Upcoming Events

Art Shows are a great way to meet artists, view their artwork and enjoy an entertaining day. As an artist, it’s always a pleasure to receive an invitation to participate, as it is a chance to display art, meet new people and learn something.

I fall into an interesting group, as I’m relatively new to the whole art scene, and yet, some might think I belong in the “ancient artist” category. Nonetheless, art and history are my passion, so if you are in the area, I’d love meet you.

Trapper Gale at art show

9th Annual Shady Cove River Art Walk
Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 13 & 14.

This will be my first year attending this show, which is in my own backyard, and I’m excited to be a part of it.

The annual artwalk, is located along the banks of the scenic Rogue River at Edgewater Inn, Hwy
62 & Rogue River Drive, and Rogue River RV Park, 21800 Hwy 62 (next to the Shady Cove Bridge)
Open daily, free to the public, from 10 am to 5 pm.

The two-day event will include art by nationally acclaimed artists, music and a variety of catered foods.

64th Annual Death Valley ’49ers Invitational Western Art Show
Thursday through Sunday, November 7-10, 2013.

This will be my 3rd year attending this show, and I have to admit, it’s one of my favorites. It was here I received my first artist recognition, earning a 3rd place and best new artist award my first year, and receiving a 1st place award my second year. Is it any wonder I’m excited to participate?

This juried art show is fun for everyone, including families, as it takes place during an encampment (or rendezvous), which offers loads of historical activities above and beyond the canvas.

The art show itself offers fun events including:

Competition Voting
It’s always fun to vote for your favorite artwork (rewarding for the artists as well!)

1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons are awarded to each of the five categories as well as the Plein-air competition based on voting done by fellow Death Valley ‘49ers.

Artist Quick Draw and Auction
Watch the creative process at work as artists complete a masterpiece in 45 minutes.


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